After-School Enrichment Classes

After-School Enrichment Classes

After-School Enrichment Classes are a powerful way the PFO supports a diverse array of learning and social opportunities for our Kaiser and Woodland students. The kids always have loads of fun in their classes, which range from arts and crafts, sports, dance, music, science, Lego building and more!

Enrollment for Kaiser / Woodland Spring 2025 After-School Enrichment Begins on February 24th. Store opening times below:

  • Woodland TK/K at 10am
  • Woodland 1st/2nd grade at 11am
  • Kaiser at 12pm

Woodland - ALL Details are listed in the course catalog (linked below) - PLEASE READ

  • Mondays
    • Musical Theater - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • Spanish Immersion - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • ENC Nature Club - TK/K & Grades 1/2
  • Tuesdays
    • Pickleball - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • Yoga - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • Science Superheroes - TK/K & Grades 1/2
  • Wednesdays
    • Fine Art - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • Multi-Sport - TK/K & Grades 1/2
  • Thursdays
    • Ancient Wonders - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • Golf - TK/K & Grades 1/2
    • ENC Nature Club - TK/K & Grades 1/2
  • Fridays
    • Chess - 1 & 2
    • Robot Building - TK/K

Kaiser - ALL Details are listed in the course catalog (linked below) - PLEASE READ

  • Mondays
    • Dance
    • Jewelry Making
  • Tuesdays
    • Chess Club
    • Golf
  • Wednesdays
    • Superhero Science - Grades 3&4
    • Multi-Sport (90 minutes)
  • Thursdays
    • Pickleball (90 minutes)
    • Yoga
  • Fridays
    • Lego Engineering - Amusement Park - Grades 5&6


Important Info for Spring Enrichment - Please Read!

Before you get too deep into these catalogs, PLEASE, PLEASE read the important information about registration and payment below:

1). ALL REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT are to be completed ONLINE at Our registration website is mobile-friendly (Apple and Android devices). If you do not have computer/internet access to register, please contact [email protected] for assistance. DO NOT CONTACT SCHOOL ADMIN ABOUT REGISTRATION. They have no information and cannot help you with registration.

2). Please note the registration deadline, March 2nd. Registration after the deadline will be on discretion if there are open class spots. Classes will run March 17th and each class will have 9 sessions. If an instructor misses a class, a make-up class may be offered after the last day of classes at the instructor’s discretion. Please refer to the catalog for specific dates. Registration will firmly close upon the first day of classes. If a class does not reach its minimum participation the class will be canceled and the tuition will be refunded.

3). Classes will be filled in the order that registration AND payment are completed and received. Your student will not be enrolled until payment is received. Register early to ensure a spot in the class.

4). CONSIDER YOURSELF REGISTERED – PLAN TO ATTEND CLASS ON THE FIRST DAY. You will be notified if the class has been canceled or is already full; in either of these cases, your payment will be returned to you (or you can choose another class). We will not be posting class lists.

5). There are certain classes that will need one parent proctor. Please indicate if you are interested in serving as proctor when registering. If you are selected as proctor, the class fee for your child will be waived. Parent proctors will assist the instructor with gathering students prior to class, taking attendance, supporting class activities, etc. The parent proctor must attend EVERY CLASS; if your child drops out of the class, you are required to continue your volunteer duties or find someone who can be your replacement. If a class that requires a volunteer parent proctor does not have a parent volunteer that class will be canceled and the tuition refunded.  Parent proctors need to be registered volunteers–if you need help getting registered please contact us at [email protected].

6). Class dates and times may vary, so please MARK YOUR CALENDAR accordingly. It is your responsibility to know when classes will be held. Your child must be picked up within five (5) minutes of the class end time. Instructors are not responsible for your child after the class ends. Repeated tardiness in picking up your child will result in him/her being dropped from the class without a refund.

7). There will be no refunds provided after the first class, regardless of reason.  Participation in enrichment classes is optional. Please note that the structure and accommodations provided during these optional after-school classes may differ from those offered during the regular school day. Student participation in the program is dependent on respectful and safe behavior from students. Any student who is not able to follow directions from the instructor, participate safely, and demonstrate respectful behavior to fellow students and the instructor will be removed from the class. There will be no refund in this case.

8). If the cost of the classes is prohibitive to your family's participation, please email [email protected]  to discuss scholarship opportunities.       

Questions? Please contact [email protected]

Registration - coming soon

Registration will open on February 24th on a staggered schedule.

Woodland TK/K at 10am
Woodland 1st/2nd grade at 11am
Kaiser at 12pm

Kaiser Spring 2025 Course Catalogs

Woodland Spring 2025 Course Catalogs

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